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ASMR as Meditation Practice

ASMR as Meditation Practice

A few years ago, I stepped away from all spiritual practices, including meditation, despite having just learned its “how-to.” This spiritual “fast” lasted 10 years. Yet, without realizing it, I continued meditating—through ASMR videos on YouTube. For those unfamiliar,...
On Not Being A Remote Cabin

On Not Being A Remote Cabin

This week, I’m staying in a secluded cabin in north Georgia while working on an art project for a client. The isolation is nice because I don’t have to interact with people much, except when I need supplies or work on the project itself. Yet, I’ve always felt a bit...
You Are Not Less Than!

You Are Not Less Than!

We’ve been led to believe, by those who don’t truly understand, that we are less than we are. People who repeat what they’ve been told—without questioning it—have convinced us that we are flawed, limited, imperfect, and broken. You have the power to decide what to...
Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

Looking for happiness is a lot like searching for your glasses when they’re sitting on top of your head. (Sound familiar?) We all chase after things in life that we think will make us happy, and sure, they do—for a while. But eventually, we realize the “thing” we...
There Are No Choices Only Doing

There Are No Choices Only Doing

The mind thrives on duality, constantly presenting us with choices: this or that, here or there. It convinces us that we are the decision-makers, charting a path forward. But is this truly what’s happening in our experience? We often view life as a linear,...